"This project has really taken us into a whole new territory of sculpture-making. And, doing it in cooperation with other sculptors... it's been wonderful!"
Martin Eichinger
Stations of the Cross Sculptor
"The ability to take the best of each of us and pull it together, has been a very important part. It's very unique that you have this large of a group of artists. This has the chance to be one of the most profound representations of the Stations of the Cross in the world."
Lynn Kircher
Stations of the Cross Sculptor
"The condemnation and the execution of Jesus Christ was one of the most pivotal points in history. Out of that, we have something where we get the greatest command that has ever been given to humanity, which is to love. To love God and to love your fellow man."
Joe Ricketts
The Cloisters on the Platte Founder
"There were so many pieces done, in such a short amount of time. I think there were over sixty, 7' figures, for the whole project. In three years, it would be impossible for one sculptor to do that. It was pretty hard for a team to do it... we've got a great team though."
Jay Warren
Stations of the Cross Sculptor
“Stunning modern-day Michelangelo-like masterpieces!”
Chris Rudel
of Phoenix, Arizona Visitor, Cloisters on the Platte
"It's a dream to be involved in a project like this. A joy... a joy and a privilege."