Bets Lundeen
Lundeen Artist Group
II • III • V • VII • IX • XIII
Bets Lundeen:
Bets Holland Lundeen is a native of Norman, OK. Her first experiences in art were early childhood drawings, but her skill in capturing emotions in her art was born from her extensive experiences as an actress, choreographer and dance teacher.
Bets finds that there is a similarity in the process of tapping creative emotion, whether it be designing patterns and dance steps as a choreographer, creating a character for a dramatic performance, manipulating the clay when developing a sculpture, or observing the character of the subject for an oil portrait. She feels that there is a constant thread which connects the various arts. Her goal as an artist is to weave this thread through the soul of the observer.
Since her days as a young woman traveling throughout Europe and studying with different teachers, Bets has become proficient in her various techniques and has gained national attention through exhibitions from Beverly Hills to New York City. Having been a professional sculptor for over 30 years, she has recently been concentrating her career focus on oil portraits and paintings.